Prado CA-IDPA December 12th 2021 Night Match
Stage Results - Passel O'bad Guys

Match7: Passel O'bad Guys
Orr, DavidDone a few NMWML13.64114.641
Almstedt, BillDone lots of NMHHL16.4316.432
lizo, jayDone lots of NMWML14.62317.623
Eidenmuller, ErikDone a few NMWML17.8817.884
Shlakman, JeffNewbie to NMWML16.93117.935
gutierrez, joseDone lots of NMWML17.82118.826
Chow, BartDone lots of NMWML18.62119.627
Cunanan, RollieDone a few NMWML20.1120.118
Nguyen, HauNewbie to NMWML19.24120.249
Zakeri, BobbyNewbie to NMWML15.25520.2510
Xu, TKDone a few NMWML20.35121.3511
Beasley, KirkDone a few NMWML17.99421.9912
Alton, JoshDone a few NMWML19.23322.2313
Reising, AlanDone lots of NMWML21.92122.9214
Robinson, BrandonNewbie to NMWML16.17723.1715
Cheung, EricNewbie to NMWML22.86123.8616
Ching, AlfredNewbie to NMWML18.88523.8817
Hoang, JustinNewbie to NMWML22.97224.9718
Shen, EdwardDone a few NMWML19.20625.2019
Alvarez, PatricioDone a few NMHHL21.47425.4720
Sitzman, KurtDone a few NMWML22.79325.7921
Cuomo, AnthonyDone lots of NMWML24.00226.0022
Ruiz, TeresaNewbie to NMWML25.16126.1623
Lewis, AaronNewbie to NMWML21.735.0026.7324
hawkins, kellyNewbie to NMWML25.91126.9125
Lindner, JeffDone a few NMWML17.011027.0126
Johnson, JeffDone lots of NMHHL23.18427.1827
Su, BenDone a few NMHHL20.80727.8028
Jones, RobertDone lots of NMWML20.8925.0027.8929
gih, tedDone lots of NMWML18.91927.9130
Wang, JerryNewbie to NMWML23.50528.5031
Lewis, KevinNewbie to NMWML27.06229.0632
Bocock, LarryDone a few NMWML31.1931.1933
Brown, CalvinNewbie to NMWML28.14432.1434
Yip, TimothyDone a few NMHHL29.66534.6635
Vanderlinden, DavidDone a few NMHHL33.66336.6636
Saavedra, AdrianDone a few NMWML33.94336.9437
Rutzebeck, LiefA15687SSWML36.60137.6038
Gray, ChrisNewbie to NMWML33.72538.7239
Tucker, KarinNewbie to NMWML31.5335.0039.5340
Gee, PaulNewbie to NMHHL33.7935.0041.7941
Burris, MattNewbie to NMWML40.40545.4042
Little, MichaelDone a few NMHHL37.5655.0047.5643
Lippincott, ErichDone a few NMHHL42.61547.6144
Blais, MartinDone a few NMHHL41.45748.4545
Hughes, JohnDone lots of NMHHL50.82252.8246
GOMEZ, MARIONewbie to NMHHL52.26456.2647
Renzullo, AndrewNewbie to NMWML48.241159.2448
Young, DavidA1015996MMHHL63.601310.0086.6049
Grant, JasonA163103EXHHL-----

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.7.14 samsung) at 2021-12-13 08:38 -0800