Prado CA-IDPA December 12th 2021 Night Match
Stage Results - Tunnel of Yuck6

Match5: Tunnel of Yuck6
Nguyen, HauNewbie to NMWML14.2414.241
gutierrez, joseDone lots of NMWML15.6615.662
Zakeri, BobbyNewbie to NMWML15.7915.793
Orr, DavidDone a few NMWML13.66316.664
Robinson, BrandonNewbie to NMWML16.7216.725
Xu, TKDone a few NMWML16.27117.276
Eidenmuller, ErikDone a few NMWML15.74217.747
Alton, JoshDone a few NMWML16.77117.778
Almstedt, BillDone lots of NMHHL15.60318.609
Chow, BartDone lots of NMWML18.6618.6610
Cunanan, RollieDone a few NMWML12.72618.7211
Beasley, KirkDone a few NMWML18.8718.8712
Grant, JasonA163103EXHHL16.09319.0913
Ching, AlfredNewbie to NMWML17.39219.3914
Shlakman, JeffNewbie to NMWML17.79219.7915
Cuomo, AnthonyDone lots of NMWML18.93119.9316
Hoang, JustinNewbie to NMWML20.8420.8417
lizo, jayDone lots of NMWML21.1121.1118
Reising, AlanDone lots of NMWML21.6221.6219
Johnson, JeffDone lots of NMHHL22.0922.0920
Lewis, AaronNewbie to NMWML23.2923.2921
gih, tedDone lots of NMWML18.54523.5422
Jones, RobertDone lots of NMWML21.61223.6123
Bocock, LarryDone a few NMWML20.733.0023.7324
Ruiz, TeresaNewbie to NMWML22.89224.8925
Lewis, KevinNewbie to NMWML25.0725.0726
Yip, TimothyDone a few NMHHL22.28325.2827
Lindner, JeffDone a few NMWML19.78726.7828
Sitzman, KurtDone a few NMWML26.8426.8429
hawkins, kellyNewbie to NMWML19.77827.7730
Saavedra, AdrianDone a few NMWML27.74128.7431
Cheung, EricNewbie to NMWML29.2029.2032
Shen, EdwardDone a few NMWML28.35129.3533
Rutzebeck, LiefA15687SSWML31.1331.1334
Alvarez, PatricioDone a few NMHHL29.85231.8535
Su, BenDone a few NMHHL30.07232.0736
Brown, CalvinNewbie to NMWML31.79637.7937
Blais, MartinDone a few NMHHL32.6325.0039.6338
Burris, MattNewbie to NMWML39.11140.1139
Gray, ChrisNewbie to NMWML39.10544.1040
Lippincott, ErichDone a few NMHHL38.40644.4041
Little, MichaelDone a few NMHHL31.8585.0044.8542
Vanderlinden, DavidDone a few NMHHL47.2747.2743
Hughes, JohnDone lots of NMHHL41.09950.0944
Wang, JerryNewbie to NMWML29.28820.0057.2845
Tucker, KarinNewbie to NMWML47.1765.0058.1746
Young, DavidA1015996MMHHL48.6575.0060.6547
Renzullo, AndrewNewbie to NMWML59.1365.0070.1348
GOMEZ, MARIONewbie to NMHHL69.0735.0077.0749
Gee, PaulNewbie to NMHHL-----

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.7.14 samsung) at 2021-12-13 08:38 -0800