Prado CA-IDPA December 13th 2020 Night Match
Stage Results - Takes a Lot

Weapon-mounted Light
Match5: Takes a Lot
gutierrez, joseA636909Done a few NMWML14.2614.261
Yarish, MikeDone lots of NMWML14.6914.692
Almstedt, BillA818599Done lots of NMWML15.1715.173
Nelson, RayA669477Done lots of NMWML14.24115.244
Xu, XingA1012932Done a few NMWML15.6015.605
Shin, JustinA1009449Newbie to NMWML15.6215.626
Wolf, CharlesA537961Newbie to NMWML14.86115.867
Hill, HowardA809994Done a few NMWML15.63116.638
Chan, AnthonyA1009218Newbie to NMWML17.4017.409
nabong, codyNewbie to NMWML13.0323.0018.0310
Agaton, JoelA24037Done lots of NMWML17.24118.2411
Fallica, JosephA226479Done a few NMWML18.3718.3712
Meyer, ScottA322218Done lots of NMWML18.5518.5513
Reising, AlanA417548Done lots of NMWML19.4219.4214
Eidenmuller, ErikA38424Done lots of NMWML19.9119.9115
Orr, DavidA47889Newbie to NMWML19.65120.6516
Joye, JohnA53979Done lots of NMWML21.9021.9017
McKelvy, JeffA649655Newbie to NMWML21.17122.1718
Lopez, CharlesA1011712Newbie to NMWML21.63122.6319
Cunanan, RollieA484679Newbie to NMWML14.91822.9120
Gentosi, PaulA904495Done a few NMWML24.1624.1621
Duran, RubenA106593Newbie to NMWML24.2424.2422
Lindner, JeffreyA1005390Newbie to NMWML23.27124.2723
Jones, RobertA636913Done lots of NMWML25.14328.1424
Schwartz, MichaelNewbie to NMWML21.9463.0030.9425
Sitzman, KurtA958418Done a few NMWML16.04510.0031.0426
Cuomo, AnthonyA394133Done a few NMWML31.5031.5027
Vega, AnthonyA425201Newbie to NMWML27.63532.6328
Choyce, MarlonA302463Newbie to NMWML33.04134.0429
Aguirre, ElginDone a few NMWML27.328.0035.3230
Shin, GregoryA1006223Newbie to NMWML28.6953.0036.6931
Leo, GeneA1006836Newbie to NMWML33.843.0036.8432
Fracassa, VictorA54981Done a few NMWML33.17538.1733
Rutzebeck, LiefA15687Done lots of NMWML38.46139.4634
RUIZ, JOSEPHA1012409Newbie to NMWML35.54110.0046.5435
Rosales, VincentA785299Done a few NMWML32.6895.0046.6836
Hsieh, EdwardA758755Newbie to NMWML48.7548.7537

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.6.51 asus) at 2020-12-14 08:55 -0800