Prado CA-IDPA December 13th 2020 Night Match
Stage Results - Home Invasion #4

Hand-held Light
Match3: Home Invasion #4
Gee, PaulNewbie to NMHHL15.03419.031
Hillberg, DarrenA1001127Newbie to NMHHL20.59222.592
Yip, TimothyA843027Newbie to NMHHL23.89225.893
Virgilio, JasonA1009531Newbie to NMHHL23.14326.144
Simmons, DarrinA812127Done a few NMHHL23.33326.335
Grandon, RobertDone lots of NMHHL30.6030.606
Bauer, GreggA38439Done a few NMHHL28.7715.0034.777
Davis, CharlesA1008555Newbie to NMHHL38.46341.468
Lochte, MarkA363463Done lots of NMHHL39.281453.289
Lippincott, ErichA10081010Newbie to NMHHL49.061160.0610
Olshen, BradNewbie to NMHHL74.43377.4311

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.6.51 asus) at 2020-12-14 08:55 -0800