Prado CA-IDPA December 13th 2020 Night Match
Stage Results - Herringbone, Much

Hand-held Light
Match2: Herringbone, Much
Bauer, GreggA38439Done a few NMHHL15.9215.921
Virgilio, JasonA1009531Newbie to NMHHL16.60117.602
Yip, TimothyA843027Newbie to NMHHL17.7917.793
Gee, PaulNewbie to NMHHL14.00620.004
Simmons, DarrinA812127Done a few NMHHL18.31220.315
Davis, CharlesA1008555Newbie to NMHHL31.1331.136
Hillberg, DarrenA1001127Newbie to NMHHL32.15335.157
Olshen, BradNewbie to NMHHL31.81435.818
Lippincott, ErichA10081010Newbie to NMHHL33.4815.0039.489
Lochte, MarkA363463Done lots of NMHHL33.826.0039.8210
Grandon, RobertDone lots of NMHHL35.22540.2211

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.6.51 asus) at 2020-12-14 08:55 -0800