Prado CA-IDPA December 12th 2021 Night Match
Stage Results - Passel O'bad Guys

Hand-held Light
Match7: Passel O'bad Guys
Almstedt, BillDone lots of NMHHL16.4316.431
Alvarez, PatricioDone a few NMHHL21.47425.472
Johnson, JeffDone lots of NMHHL23.18427.183
Su, BenDone a few NMHHL20.80727.804
Yip, TimothyDone a few NMHHL29.66534.665
Vanderlinden, DavidDone a few NMHHL33.66336.666
Gee, PaulNewbie to NMHHL33.7935.0041.797
Little, MichaelDone a few NMHHL37.5655.0047.568
Lippincott, ErichDone a few NMHHL42.61547.619
Blais, MartinDone a few NMHHL41.45748.4510
Hughes, JohnDone lots of NMHHL50.82252.8211
GOMEZ, MARIONewbie to NMHHL52.26456.2612
Young, DavidA1015996MMHHL63.601310.0086.6013
Grant, JasonA163103EXHHL-----

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.7.14 samsung) at 2021-12-13 08:38 -0800